
Tuesday, June 29, 2021

My 24 hour digital footprint

 Task description : For this task we looked at our history in the last 24 hours, and filled out this beach to show footprints to make it look like our 24 hour digital footprint.

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

A Postive poster about me!


Task Description : For this task, we had to make a poster about us and what we enjoy. I chose things like minecraft because we get to play with a friend and I love it!

Tuesday, June 1, 2021

My Sailing animation

Task Desciption

For this task we had to create our own animation. We used Google slides, and made tiny adjustments to make it look like it was moving. When we published it to the web we hacked the code to make it go fast.

My "What If." writing

Task Descripition
 For this task we had to do a 15 minute writing challenge on a new topic each time. The idea was to write a "What if" situation. Like "What if" I had super powers or something silly. For each story, we made a new slide.